Question 1:

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

Here is only one example, but there are lots of others.

God desired all things to be like himself, good and not evil.

Question 2:

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

Visual aids can make presentations clear and more interesting.

Question 3:

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

Extra seminars will be scheduled to assist you with revision.

Question 4:

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

Expensive vacations and costly college educations may not be as hard-earned as you thought.

Question 5:

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

The change in spending patterns is probably the biggest signifier of class divide.