Question 1:

Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
Desalination technologies turn sea water into fresh water. This involves either boiling and then re-condensing water, or pumping it at high pressure through reverse-osmosis membranes that allow water molecules to pass but are impermeable to larger mineral ions. Both processes are energy-intensive, however, though reverse osmosis has become far more energy-efficient in recent years.

Question 2:

Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
Research suggests that the famous artists may have had a literal artist’s eye – an eye disorder in which one eye turns outward. It made it harder for their brain to see in 3-D, so it must rely on 2-D cues to see depth. This gives an advantage to those artists who work on flat surfaces like canvas.

Question 3:

Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
Biometrics are an individual’s unique physical and behavioural characteristics. With facial recognition, for example, a person whose details are already held on file can establish who they are by showing their face to a particular camera. Fingerprints and irises offer other forms of biometric recognition, and technology to analyse gait and handwriting is also being developed.

Question 4:

Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
It is easy to make judgments about people and their actions when we do not know anything about their circumstances or what motivated them to take those actions. But we should look beyond a person’s actions. When people do things that we consider outrageous, inconsiderate, or harmful, we should try to understand why they acted as they did.

Question 5:

Look at the text below. In 40 seconds, you must read this text aloud as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 40 seconds to read aloud.
Everybody has some choice. People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and, if they can’t find them, make them.